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- 网站名称:上海市杨浦区中心医院
- TAG标签:上海市杨浦区中心医院
- 网站描述:同济大学附属杨浦医院(上海市杨浦区中心医院),始于1948年的“上海第二劳工医院”,经受了近70年的时代风雨洗礼和发展历程,目前成为一所能够提供综合性医疗和保健专业技术、开展多层次教学与人才培养、承担临床科学研究任务的现代化三级综合性医院和大学附属医院。 Yangpu Hospital (also known as Yangpu District Central Hospital, Shanghai) is a modern tertiary general hospital affiliated to Tongji University. The predecessor of the hospital, Shanghai No.2 Laborer Hospital, was founded in 1948. After nearly 70 years’ of development, Yangpu ospital now provides a comprehensive medical treatment and care with professional knowledge and skills. It also cultivates talents through multi-level teaching and training as well as undertaking clinical 同济大学附属杨浦医院由“一院四区”组成,即总院(腾越路450号)、安图分部(延吉东路200号)、中原分院(开鲁路500号)和传染病分院(松花江路3号)。在各临床科室和职能部门的运营上,医院对各个院区实行垂直化管理和整体化发展。医院目前总核定床位1012张,开设了综合性医院中齐全的专业学科,并在各院区中进行了一定差异化的布局以满足当地百姓的医疗健康需求。 Yangpu Hospital consists of four hospital areas distributed in the following locations: the main hospital (450 Tengyue Road), the Antu branch (200 East Yanji Road), the Zhongyuan branch (500 Kailu Road), and the department of infectious disease treatment (3 Songhujiang Road). The hospital carries out vertical management on each clinical and functional department for the overall development. As of now, Yangpu Hospital currently owns 1,012 authorized beds and has a complete installation of medical disciplines. These resources are scientifically distributed in different branches in order to meet the health care needs of local residents.
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